Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Make Your Sauces and Soups More Flavorful

Did you know...
that cooking onions, garlic, leek, spices (or other such ingredients called for) in a bit of oil in your pan FIRST releases FAR MORE FLAVOR than tossing them into sauces or soups after you have the other ingredients in the pot or pan? I thought this was basic knowledge (my mom taught me this when I learned how to make spaghetti sauce), but over time I have found that many cooks don't know this! For even more flavor, I like to keep adding a little bit of water to the pan while sautéing  these first ingredients so that I get all the yummy flavor from the pan into my sauce or soup.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Welcome to our Blog...and our Life!

When I was young (a very long time ago) my grandma lived only a block away from us, and I could skip down the wooded path to visit her any time I wanted to. And I always wanted to. Her kitchen smelled of cinnamon toast and she always let me drink tea with milk out of one of her Blue Willow tea cups. That's how I pictured my life would be when I reached grandma status. But that's not what God had planned for me. I would have never guessed that most of my kids and all of my grandkids would have to skip about 6,000 miles away to visit me. 

Oh for joy that we live in the age of internet communication. My prayer is that this will bridge the 6,000 mile gap between my house and theirs and that my daughter and daughter-in-law (who live in Chicago, IL) can connect here with my other daughter and me (who live in Quito, Ecuador). We also hope to connect with people like YOU here!  We will swap good recipes, illustrate and guide new hand work, share household tips, chat about raising kids or about being single, and post bits of controversy and wisdom with those that we wish were sitting in our own busy kitchens. It's as close as we'll get to cinnamon toast and drinking tea with milk out of my own Blue Willow tea cups.

Titus chapter 2 says,
"Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored." (vs 3-5)

Meet with us here regularly, won't you? 

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